The non-state side of IR: Can multinational corporations turn palm oil sustainable?

“No, I don’t use that product because it contains palm oil, which is not environmentally friendly.” Most of us will have said or heard some variation of this sentence at

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The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: The Largest Regional Trade Deal Ever Signed

Asia-pacific countries have recently formed the largest trading bloc in the world, constituting a total of 2.2 billion people with a combined GDP of $26.2 trillion. The Trade deal named

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Continued Poking: The Next Chapter in the Border Conflict between India and China

On the 29th of May 2020, an article was published on the Checks & Balances website showing a narrative of the border conflict between India and the People’s Republic of

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Hong Kong Protests: Still Defiant a Year Later

Almost a year ago, protests against a Chinese bill allowing criminal suspects to be extradited from the Hong Kong territory to Chinese territory escalated, leading to a period of political

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Two Bears Poking Each Other: About the Border Conflict between India and China

Amidst a global pandemic, the threat of conflict has risen on the Asian continent. Since the beginning of May, soldiers from the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of

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Sino-African Relations: How COVID-19 Ignited an Unexpected Diplomatic Crisis

The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused fissures in relations between states across the international community. From President Trump’s attempt to purchase the German company CureVac to produce vaccines exclusively for

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Still Fired Up: North Korea Continues Missile Testing in Trying Times

In a time where both the politicians and the public’s attention are focused on the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on everyday life now and in the foreseeable future, it

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Coronavirus: More Prepared than Panic-Stricken

Recent news has been full of developments of the coronavirus, whether that be new policies by the Chinese government to contain it or the spread of cases found in other

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The Gambia v Myanmar: The Case of the Decade & the Plight of the Rohingya

On 10 December 2019, a strikingly paradoxical scene unfolded in The Hague, as Nobel Peace Prize laureate and revered human rights icon Aung San Suu Kyi arrived at the International

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A Decade of Disappointment: MENA’s Arab Winter Likely to Persist Well into the 2020s

Predicting the future of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is a herculean task. The area’s heterogeneity, often underestimated by generalisations that the term ‘Arab World’ evokes, is

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