Nut Zoom: Cashews

Every so often, one gets engaged in a nutfull discussion on which nut variety one is most likely to pick from one of those student-loved nut mix packages to be

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Nature is being given legal personhood

In a first for Canada, the Minganie municipality, the Innu council of Ekuanitshit, and several environmental groups have set a legal precedent by granting legal personhood to the Magpie River

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The non-state side of IR: Can multinational corporations turn palm oil sustainable?

“No, I don’t use that product because it contains palm oil, which is not environmentally friendly.” Most of us will have said or heard some variation of this sentence at

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We Need to Talk About Climate Migrants and We Need to Talk About Them Now.

As Climate Change intensifies, Climate Migrants become more of a terrifying reality. Already crippled by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, Guatemala and other Central American countries are facing

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Analysis: Is it ethically justified to have children?

We are all aware that ice caps are melting, rainforests are being felled or burned down, and the ozone layer is depleting. The number of conflicts in the world is

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Common Agricultural…Fraud? Why the European Common Agricultural Policy needs improvement

We all need it, we all benefit from it, yet when asked to pay 5 cents more for our milk at the supermarket, we are quick to forget about it:

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A Study of Pressure and Time: Polemic Surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Nears an Uneasy Resolution

When Morgan Freeman’s character in the iconic 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption pondered about the study of pressure and time, he likened the gradual but mighty power of geology to

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All hail Gaia: On COVID-19 and Radical Environmentalism

Among the vast range of bad news concerning COVID-19, occasionally, we find a glimmer of good news. Cities all over the world have clearer water and air, support for healthcare

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The Politics of Ivory: Changing the Paradigm of ‘Western Conservation’

Illegal wildlife trade is currently one of the largest “black market” industries that exist in the world. This estimated multi-billion-dollar business has caused devastating consequences for the world’s ecosystems and

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A Unique Conservative-Green Coalition in Austria: An Example for Others?

Something exceptional has happened in Austrian politics: the conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) of Sebastian Kurz has formed a coalition with the Green party. This is the result of negotiations

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