Mass killing in Burkina Faso

“He tried to catch a glimpse of his wife, but the crowd was quickly obscured by a cloud of dust as men in uniform opened fire. Another soldier ordered him

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God Save the King (From Protesters)!

Last weekend, we witnessed a rather unique historic event: The coronation of Charles III, King of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms. The ceremony was characterized by extravagant

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Women’s education ban in the eye of the storm: Afghanistan and the Taliban rule

Afghanistan is, once again, making headlines in international news. Although disappointing, it should not surprise us. It would be hypocritical to assume that, after the Taliban regime rose to power,

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Donald Trump’s Benevolent Sexism

For IRIO students in 2022, identifying discrimination in politics should be easy, right? Well, maybe that is not the case. Social psychologists have found a type of sexism that is

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Stolen Babies Remain an Open Wound in Spain

During the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Spain, thousands of newborns and young children were taken from their parents and brought to new families or orphanages. The aim was to prevent these children from being raised by parents whose political stance did not match the state ideology.

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Guantánamo Bay: “Hunt down and punish those (not) responsible”

Although former US-President Obama promised to close the prison during his campaign in 2009, Cuba-based Guantánamo Bay is still operational to this day, more than twenty years later. The prison

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Cuba’s Rainbow Hotel – game-changer or facade?

On the other side of the world, there is an island surrounded by blue skies and white beaches. A paradise away from the ordinary, a place to connect with nature

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Sports and Politics: Why we Should not Treat Sports as Independent From Politics

“The US should stop politicizing sports, and stop disrupting and undermining the Beijing Winter Olympics.” According to the statement of a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, the United States’ decision to

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Open Schools with Empty Chairs: Uganda’s Lost Generation

On Monday 10 January, Uganda’s schools reopened after almost two years. But nearly a third of students have not returned to their school. What happened in the meantime?

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Labelled “Foreign Agents”: Russia’s Treatment of Journalists

The relationship between journalism and Russia is not an easy one. When it comes to media freedom, Russia ranked 150 out of 180 countries in 2021, showing how difficult it is for journalists to research and openly express their opinion.

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