Memoirs of Exile

Forced settlements in the Soviet Union took place in a series of brutal operations. A majority of the deportations were carried out in the Baltic States, primarily between 1941-1949. Over

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Do It For Denmark

Denmark’s birth rate is at its lowest point in decades indicating 10 births per 1,000 residents. The nation’s perennially low birth rate places the country alongside with Germany (8.33), Japan

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Combating Driving Under Influence

The Effectiveness of Legislative Measures Deployed in the Netherlands and Lithuania Hazardous consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes significantly to health complications and causes a range of social issues, such as

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No More Singing Protest

I had the pleasure of watching the documentary Searching for Sugar Man last week. A movie that focuses on the life of the biggest rock icon America has never had. Despite a

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Defining oneself with the perpetual presence in social networks – ICT and human rights

  Dave Eggers’ “The Circle” touches upon our very developments in online communication, the obsession with social network feedback and digital transparency. The protagonists implicitly raise questions of the relationship

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The Danger of a single story

Summer break is over but let’s hope nice weather will stay with us for some more days. Students float into Groningen again. Some of them for the first time, scurrying

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Model UN Explores Challenge of Change

From 13th to 19th July 2015, university students from around the world gathered in The Hague for the annual conference of The European International Model United Nations. Now in its

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Hawaii: too Green to Function?

With an ambitious bill planning a 100% renewable energy use in 2050 pending in the Hawaii legislature, states are looking towards the island for its example. With fossil fuels occupying

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Crowdfunding a Nation

Everything can be crowdfunded nowadays. One pitches an idea to the internet and people who are interested can contribute. It provides great opportunities for a lot of individuals, businesses and

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The Power of a Flower: Recovering Rwanda’s Agriculture

Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium – it is the name of a flower that promises hope and revived agriculture in Rwanda, a country that justifies the very word recovery and proves to utilize

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