Similar Ideas, Different Parties: the Fragmentation of the European Right Wing

Just a month after the Eurovision Song Contest, Europe can brace itself for its second continent-wide election of the year: the European Elections. On the 6th of June, which is

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United by Music, Divided Elsewhere: how this years’ Eurovision Song Contest was perhaps the most controversial ever.

While the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), who is in charge of organising the Eurovision Song Contest, tried, the booing was just too loud to filter out. During two occasions this

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Selling views in exchange of guns: The potential end for TikTok in the United States

As the United States Senate just passed the highly anticipated foreign aid bill consisting of more than 62 billion dollars in military equipment towards Ukraine, the bipartisan legislation unveiled some

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Reaching A Limit: When Enough is Enough.

It can be said that the last thing that any given individual choosing to go on a relaxing, stress-free vacation to a paradisiacal island group wants to think about is

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Consuming ourselves. The bandwagon of overmedication, from Hollywood to your neighbour

We are consumers. We consume external stimuli, from the noise of the alarm that wakes you up to the velvety touch of the chair in which you sit down to

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Meat for men, salad for women – breaking with stereotypes:

When you imagine a person, sitting in a fancy restaurant, neatly dressed, eating a big, raw  steak, dripping red, what gender does the person have? Most people would probably imagine

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Pacifism, Community, Esperanto- one man’s dream for world peace

If you’ve ever delved into the world of language learning, then you may have heard of Esperanto. Frequently characterised and ridiculed as the ‘most useless language’, it is estimated to

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We do not settle for anything less than perfect anymore: how online dating has turned finding love into window shopping

“Love is not finding the winning lottery ticket, it is accepting imperfections someone might have, willing to step beyond your differences and finding a compromise, it is loving someone regardless.“

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A disappointing journalistic venture – Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

As the journalistic world was preparing for the release of the most anticipated interview of the year, Tucker Carlson delivered a linear, submissive and mostly propagandistic interaction with the Russian

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Space Nazis? The problematic use of Nazism in sci-fi media

An alarming trend seems to be taking shape in general science fiction media. Nazis are increasingly normalised as the antagonists in various fantasy and sci-fi settings. Ever since their defeat

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